Gracias a la generosidad de la Familia Blanco/ Ramírez, este año estaremos ofreciendo una vez mas el premio al Servicio a la Comunidad Isabel Blanco Ramirez. La beca Isabel Blanco se ofrece para todos nuestros ex-alumnos.
Si tiene un hijo/a, familiar, o conocido que asistió a uno de los programas de BAHIA (Centro VIDA, Bahia Edad Escolar y/o La Academia) y esta entre las edades de 15 a 21, anímelos a aplicar para esta beca para trabajar en Bahia Programa Escolar o Centro VIDA de junio 2024 a junio 2025.
Para mas información sobre nuestra aplicación y requisitos llámenos al (510) 525-1463
Ultimo dia para aplicar es el 31 de Mayo del 2024 - ¡Mas Reciente Fecha!
Requisitos para aplicar
Thanks to the generosity of the Blanco/Ramirez Family, this year we will once again be offering the Isabel Blanco Ramirez Award for Community Service. The Isabel Blanco Award is offered to all our former students.
If you have a child, family member, or acquaintance who attended one of the BAHIA programs (Centro VIDA, Bahia Age School and/or La Academia) and is between the ages of 15 and 21, encourage them to apply for this scholarship to work at Bahia School Program or Centro Vida from June 2024 to June 2024.
For more information about our application and requirements call us at (510) 525-1463
Last day to apply May 31, 2024 - NEW UPDATED DEADLINE
Application Requirements
The Bay Area Hispano Institute for Advancement, Inc.
was established by and for Latino families in 1975 as a non profit organization to address an unmet need; high quality, bilingual learning environments where children grow to become successful lifelong bilingual learners.
BAHIA, Inc. operates on a non-discriminatory basis, affording equal treatment and access to services for all without regard to sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color or mental or physical disability.
BAHIA, Inc. welcomes the enrollment of children with disabilities and other special needs and implements reasonable accommodations for such children as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
BAHIA, Inc. does not provide religious instruction or worship, nor will any child development program funds be used for the general support of any private church-related activity or event.
BAHIA, Inc. has a procedure for receiving and handling complaints which is on file in the office.
BAHIA Inc. has designated our Operations Manager as the person responsible for receiving and investigating complaints. Parents have the right to appeal any adverse action.